Rabu, 18 November 2020

curhat aja

It is d-30 to another biggest day of my life. this must never be easy for everyone, included me. meski ku menanggapinya dengan santai, tapi tetap banyak hal yang gue ga pengen terjadi, malah terjadi. included, those who thinks they have a-full-rights to spread this.

gue tau kalau ini kabar baik kok. i mean who doesnt. but im avoiding all the negative emotions wholl come within. karena manusia tetaplah manusia. punya pendapat, punya pikiran, yang kadang mereka gemes mau sampein tapi ternyata tanpa sadar nyinggung dan nyakitin. parahnya dijadiin bahan gosip.

and for those, yang pinter nyimpan makasih ya. i live up a life which mostly consists of negative emotions. I respect privacy at the highest cost. dan kalaupun gue mo cerita, gue bakal cerita dengan sendirinya. 

I dont know. during this critical time. I felt like all the wounds in my high school's memories were opened up. and i wanna share this, only if im ready, alrd. i am sorry everyone. hope you gotta understand, at least when it comes closer to your wedding day.
