Minggu, 08 Juni 2014

Yaaah. rasanya kayak baru kemarin. tapi ternyata sudah berakhir rupanya. kalau ditanya sedih?iya sih sedih tapi nda boleh alay,stuck terlalu lama kayak lalu hehe.

Just.. How can you dare to make it fair?
probably at that time you wanted me, but now i want you. that day you texted me all day till  it annoyed me sometimes but today im the one who miss it alrd. On that day i told you to give up, but really it is not now,you give up on the wrong time buddy haha. sure i kinda miss every single thing that youve done,even at the dumbest thing, then i wish id never forget.

Probably on that day you loved me because i was that f' desperate,but today i do. I really do.  Not that much,but at least im sure. sincerely. could it be enough to reply all your efforts?idk how long would this feeling be healed. but i hope youll always be fine there. ive been praying so youll get a very happy life. anddddd thank you. im into you. Im sorry if it took so long for me to catch up, i just got stuck.