Sabtu, 30 Juli 2011

again doing a stupid things ! :'(

 hi bloggers :) . kalian tau ga ? apa ntu first love ? kalau menurut gue , first love ntu adalah saat pertama kali kita mempunyai perasaan spesial dengan lawan jenis .
 First love . i have a first love . i dunnot know maybe that's a kind of crush xD. oiaa , i love him :) so much maybe . and he USED TO love me too :'(
 i thought we'll become a best friend forever eventhough we're separated or will not be in one . but , infact ? MAYBE WE WILL NOT !
 first , we remeet on text message . that's all when january 2011.  in there we shared about our feeling . all :( . but , now , he has gone too far . and the last information about him , he has made a special relation with the lucky girl ever :( 
  what do you feel if the one whom you love , making special relation with others ? ILL ! yeah ! ill :'( . but , i tried to be a tough girl , cause i know . if i love him , i should receive the consequence that i should let him go . everyday , if i'm so tired , or in badmood condition especially when i feel not comfortable . i text him a message :') . but , how stupid i am ! i sent it  on his inactive numb . :)
 but , i did it . cause i want , none knows that i'm really hurt . it's enough about me , my self , and God .

 almost everyday i text his inactive numb . one day i text him a message :

"assalamu'alaikum . hey ? how are you there ? i know that you should be fine with your lucky girl :) . oh ya , don't you know that i'm so tired here ? i'm tired :'( . but , when i'm sending this message . it is finished . why ? cause by hearing your name , it makes me comfortable eventhough only in a day ..
 and , sorry .. i've to sleep .. Good night"

 yeah , how stupid i am ? maybe i'm so sillly ! doing a stupid things like it on some days . but , i wish he could see , all my messages that has been sent by me . so that he could knows , how hurt i am . when he changed ! :( .

 thanks for gave me your love :')

Rabu, 20 Juli 2011

Dear Girl .

Dear Girl ,
 You aren't the first person that hates me or that makes me known as the one who has a bad characters .
i've been hurt by someone for many times . but  , could you see ? i'm still tough as you see right now .

 but , trust me ..
i couldn't hate you .
so , whatever you wanna do . just do !
i please you .

 but , one thing that you should know , that i won't do a stupid things like you did before to me .

# entering to your life , just makes me seems a breaker ! :(

Selasa, 12 Juli 2011

when they're out .. all things are getting different :'(

 i've been with them since 2 years ago ..
don't you know that they're really precious for us ?
don't you know that we are tired ? really ! we are tired :(

they've gone ..
and of course all the things are getting different . we should adapt .. of course without them ..
i hope that all of us couldd be in one like before . amin ya rabb ;')

and one thing that i couldn't imagine ..
i'll sit with the new chairmate :( . i feel .. i couldn't let her go ..
i'm tired to adapt with someone ..
but .. noprob :) let me do it as better as possible ^^

Minggu, 03 Juli 2011

sabar :)

Hanya seorang yang pemarah yang bisa betul-betul bersabar. 
Seseorang yang tidak bisa merasa marah tidak bisa disebut penyabar, karena dia hanya tidak bisa marah. 
Sedangkan seorang lagi yang sebetulnya merasa marah, tetapi mengelola kemarahannya untuk berlaku baik dan adil adalah seorang yang berhasil menjadikan dirinya bersabar. 
Dan bila Anda mengatakan bahwa untuk bersabar itu sulit, Anda sangat tepat, karena kesabaran kita diukur dari kekuatan kita untuk tetap mendahulukan yang benar dalam perasaan yang membuat kita seolah-olah berhak untuk berlaku melampaui batas :)

pandanglah aku :D

sabda Rasulullah saw :
 perempuan dinikahi karena 4 perkara :
1. kecantikannya
2. keturunannya
3. hartanya atau
4. agamanya .

tapi , biarlah  prinsipku berubah menjadi "dipandang"
aku tak memang tak punya kecantikan , tapi setidaknya pandanglah aku dari keturunanku .
jikalau aku tak memiliki keduanya , pandanglah aku dari hartaku .
jika tak ada ke tiga-tiganya .
maka , pandanglah aku dari agamaku :) . biarlah aku menjadi wanita sholehah yang berguna bagi bangsa dan negara :)