Sabtu, 30 Juli 2011

again doing a stupid things ! :'(

 hi bloggers :) . kalian tau ga ? apa ntu first love ? kalau menurut gue , first love ntu adalah saat pertama kali kita mempunyai perasaan spesial dengan lawan jenis .
 First love . i have a first love . i dunnot know maybe that's a kind of crush xD. oiaa , i love him :) so much maybe . and he USED TO love me too :'(
 i thought we'll become a best friend forever eventhough we're separated or will not be in one . but , infact ? MAYBE WE WILL NOT !
 first , we remeet on text message . that's all when january 2011.  in there we shared about our feeling . all :( . but , now , he has gone too far . and the last information about him , he has made a special relation with the lucky girl ever :( 
  what do you feel if the one whom you love , making special relation with others ? ILL ! yeah ! ill :'( . but , i tried to be a tough girl , cause i know . if i love him , i should receive the consequence that i should let him go . everyday , if i'm so tired , or in badmood condition especially when i feel not comfortable . i text him a message :') . but , how stupid i am ! i sent it  on his inactive numb . :)
 but , i did it . cause i want , none knows that i'm really hurt . it's enough about me , my self , and God .

 almost everyday i text his inactive numb . one day i text him a message :

"assalamu'alaikum . hey ? how are you there ? i know that you should be fine with your lucky girl :) . oh ya , don't you know that i'm so tired here ? i'm tired :'( . but , when i'm sending this message . it is finished . why ? cause by hearing your name , it makes me comfortable eventhough only in a day ..
 and , sorry .. i've to sleep .. Good night"

 yeah , how stupid i am ? maybe i'm so sillly ! doing a stupid things like it on some days . but , i wish he could see , all my messages that has been sent by me . so that he could knows , how hurt i am . when he changed ! :( .

 thanks for gave me your love :')

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