Selasa, 31 Mei 2011

i'm a new BIG FANS of BOO :* !

Boo , Booo , Booooooooo ! #Alay .. haha

 Boo :* don't you know that you are so cute :* ?
hmm , first time i watched monster ink when i was young ! it's around july 2006 in jakarta !  . hehe . but , for me it wasn't really good . cause i coudn't understand the meaning --' .
but !
when i saw one of the album of my friends in facebook ! apparently it was boo ! ahahahhhaa . BOOO ! i love mabbell :) # mata bello :P

hmm , cantik banget si mabell :* . haha . i am a big fans of you ! boo .boo . boo

idhh .. lucu ya ? . :p
 lucuu banget ! . and i laughed when i am seeing the photo of Boo . cause it was so funny :* .
booo . boo . anak cantiggg ! :)
 and I AM A BIG FANS OF BOO ! :)

Sabtu, 28 Mei 2011

love is cinta is luph ?

 cinte , cinta , cintaa .. hahah ! Lol ..

wait , sebnernya ni , gue mau nanya .. cinta ntu apaan si ? banyak yang bilang cinta ntu beda dari suka , beda dari sayang atau beda dari yangg laennya poko'e ..
 ga tau , anak-anak jaman sekarang cinta mulu dah --' .. PUGAS ! hahahheu ..
   tapi , jangan ngira ye gue masuk dalam international Pugas teenager *ada-ada ajh deeh :p* hehe . ga sama sekali ga ! gue mah ga suka yang kayak gitu-gituan pokus duluu aah *ala sunda*
   soalnya gue ga tahu menahu bahkan tempe menempe tentang cinta . bahkan gue punya target kalau gue harus jadi orang yang success , so mereka-mereka yang udah ngenal gue ga nyesel punya temen , keponakan , sepupu, anak murid , kakak , ade , dan laen-laen di selenggarakan dalam tempo jang sesingkat-singkatnja . bahkan anak sekalipun . ya ga ?
    ok , back to the topic C.I.N.T.A .. ada yang bilang cinta ntu asem manis deh rasanya .. ada yang bilang cinta ntu kayak coklat . tapi sebenarnya mana si yang bener ? cinta ntu rasanya manis , pedas , pahit atau asem ? haddeehh --'
   well , menurut research nii , CINTA ATAU LOVE ntu adalah perasaan kagum kepada orang yang ia suka dalam kurung lawan jenis yee .. kalau sesama jenis namanya bukan cinta tapi GAY ! kenapa gue bilang.a gay ? karena kebanyakan yang suka sesama jenis ntu cowok bukan cewek ! ngerti ??!!
   plus paktenya nii .. lihat ajh lagu-lagu sekarang . poko'e ga pernah kalau bukan cinta , sayang , atau yang laen ! heran dehh ama anak-anak sekarang ..
 saran gue , elu pade , atau temn-tmn yg lgi read this note . jangan pada jatuh cinta dulu deh . pamali kata orang tua *hahah .* . sebenrnya ga pamali sii . tapi kalian harus ati-ati , cz banyak orang yang terjerumus . mulai dari pelajaran anjlok , sampai pergaulan bebas ..
   kalian boleh kok , jatuh cinta coz ga ada yang nge.larang ..
tapii , jangan pacaran ! itu ajh intinya .. pokokny pikirin masa depan duluu deh !
okk , that's all ..
 success ya :)

sailor moon :*

The best moment that I always remember in this time THAT WAS WHEN SAILOR MOON ..
 My.beloved group :*,
Sailor moon made before 2010 , around December 2009 , where in there , we had’ plan to make our costum were same , orange,yellow,blue, bla .. blaa.. bla.. bala,blaaa !! ,
where we got confuse ! what should we use at the time ,
 and our name it was from the carton haha :D,

  Until we did our work group, first time in audry’s humzz ..
And I still remember, when arini got confuse to looking for audry’s humzz , whre it just causes by me ! :p
 And, b’4 we do work group, we were watching television , the channel if I was not mistake, that was TVRI , we watched about Al-azhar junior high school palu.

  And I still remember what was happen on January 27, 2010 b’4 , hha :D it was embrasing moments, why? Just causes of me ! we were talking about work group. And we should went in front ..
Hmmp, am so sorry vo this y .. , cause I wasn’t aware ..
 And apparently I should sat as d’first students .. :D *sorry .. Lol

    The best moment when we did work group in Audry’s humzz, when I came , apparently audry’s group of civics, alifqa ..
And dhini asked her to went back home with caca ..
 And we were so sorry vo this, and directly RAINYY ! I said : heyy , how about alifqa? Dn’t you feel pity at her?” so that we directly ran to in front . and we didn’t meet alifqa anymore ..
And It was best moment if I think !
  After that we went to audry’s bedroom ..
In there we were talking about ghost,school, blablablablablablablab blablabla .. :p
Laying down on the bad , and etc ..

 After that we went to bns , and we gather in there ..
It was so fantastic !! :D, after that we ate in kentucky ..
And we met indolo , hha :D , they were so busy, while us? We just relax .. gmna c? :p
 And directly we played basket ! haha :D kerenn !! even my hand , get ill ..
Awwwwww … :p

 *Exhibition ..
Hmmpp , when march 11, 2010 ..
 We were doing anything that we do, all the things we did, everything we decorate.
Hmpp , apparently it was not enough , and me,indah (indolo’s member),audry. Went to pmu by taxi .
  We went to market (pasar) we went around at the time , blablablablablablabla ..
We did it ! yeah ..
  And apparently we got cobaan that’s me should went to olimp vo doing selection -,- , but it was okay ! J ,
We still did it as well as possible ,we cut the paper, everything we prepare as much as possible .
And sir iman called us around 4:35,,“asslm, hw many percent are u prepare ? I just wnna know it has been more than 50% , if nt I’ll cancel the exhibition vo ever .”
And aulia said “ indolo 95%,SM 85%, blablblablablablablablablaaaa .. :p”
Alhamdulillah , slamat drii cobaan .. :D
  And, the knight boys borrow us a jmuran !! hha :D thanks yy .. :D thxx .. J

  Hmm , and apparently our group haven’t , so that some of the students of 7c , should stay until night -,- , am so sorry If I can’t help you at the time .

*march 12, 2010
 That was the good word vo began our exhibition. And the opening INDOLO , syarifah, yuni, ad hanny  were dancing . and after that sir basit (our beloved headmaster) directly open the door .
And rendy command us to say ::

                                           “WELCOME TO OUR EXHIBITION YEAHHH !”

   It was great, many 8c (9c)’s students came to sailor moon stands , just causes of the souvenirs , silver queen, qtela, mountea etc :p
  But, I was so sorry , 1 thing that I hate you know ! what is that? Our leader went around ..
And the senior had already asked us to showed our cheers ,and dhini malah kluyuran.. L
 It was already ..

And finally exhibition has done , and we ate together , and when we ate ,sir yusri got surprised when looked at our face ..
 “eyy ..” and sir iman spoke with Indonesian “ ia , cma mereka sendiri yang beda  ..”
Hha :D we got happy !

Announcement :
We all got happy , eventhough can’t be a best group ..
But we can be a favorite group !


I still remember audry’s word :
“The best group that I ever have is SAILOR MOON ..”

Yeap , I agree ! I love sailor moon :* I miss you :’)
I wan’t cme back !,But it’s can’t ..
I love sailor moon , the PERFECT GROUP EVER ! J
The group , that so close with me ! J
I will always remember you ..

*dhini     *audry
*iyut        *jihan
*ain          *winda .


I think just that .., that I could remine you all ..
Am so sorry if many of my.words are hurt you all ..
Am so soryy to if it couldn’t make you sad , or remine about our exhibition ..
Thanks vo the attention ..

Jumat, 27 Mei 2011

Study from them ..

   It’s time for sleep , but i can’t sleep . and i sit on the bed while think what should i do ? and i decide to sit first and look at the windows in front of me . i see some of them in there ! stars , moon and others ! i imagine something that unimaginable before in my mind .

    When i saw them i can’t help that my tears should fall from my beloved eyes . and i feel i’ve made something that made people around me uncomfortable with me ! and i ask to my own self “did i make something bad ?” , “have i made something bad?”  but , it just in vain ! cause none will answer it .
     And the things that made me cried before was  the stars , they are life but they never known each other ,even they never complain . while me ? i’m so spoiled ! i can’t do anything without others . i can’t !

    The second one is moon , they are so patient ! moon and sun tried to keep us , help us , but again never complain . and me ? as an ordinary human , i just can complain , ask from others . even i think that i will not be independence L

    At the following day ,i’m so happy J cause i’ve gotten 2 lessons from my fancy last night , i did something that unimaginable ! ;D .

    After that , because today is sunday i do activities that has function for my life and my future , and i still ask a question ? “shall i be success in my future ?” yea , again and again none knows it ;) .

     After doing my activities i need to have a rest time . and i decide to take a rest at behind . after several minutes that i’ve wasted in there . unfortunately it was rainy! Arrrgghh . i should go in and just look at the window to see the outside .

     First time i’m so scare ! cause it was heavy rain . “i’m scare ! will it stop ?” but ...... it has erased ! yeaaayy ! cause the things that really great after the following time is rainboww ! yeaay hahaha :D
 And from there i can conclude that we couldn’t have a rainbow without a little rain . means we couldn’t get happiness before have a pain ! J
     And things that i won’t forget from2 experiences is never complain , always help each other . and the point is happiness will always there . but , we have to pass the trial from God first . and we could got it ,, the problem is only in time . so let’s smile like you’ve never gotten a pain ! and learn from them and others ! J


Mengkudu yang mempunyai nama ilmiah MOrinda Citrifolia memiliki banyak khasiat untuk kesehatan.
Semua bagian mengkudu memiliki manfaat. walau bentuknya tidak sedap dipan dang mata tapi sangat banyak khasiatnya. akar dan herbanya mengandung berbagai enzim yang diperlukan tubuh. Daun memiliki banyak mineral sebut saja protein,zat besi hingga zat kapur. Bunganya mengandung zat glikosida dan buahnya mengandung aneka ragam asam dan mineral.Khusus buah yang biasa dipergunakan untuk kesehatan adalah buah yang sudah matang karena kandungan zat-zat berkhasiatnya banyak ditemukan dan lebihmaksimal karena dipengaruhi oleh enzim.

1. Scopolentin
Mempunyai efek sebagai Vascodilator,yaitu melebarkan pembuluh darah yamg mengalami penyempitan sehinga melancarkan sirkulasi darah. selain itu scopoletin juga mampunyai efek sebagai anta radang dan anti alergi.

2. Damnachantal
Merupakan zat anti kanker yang mampu menghambat dan melawan pertumbuhan sel pada tingkat gen(sel prakanker) dg cara merusak alat-alat dengan cara merusak alat-alat peredaran yang mensuplay darah dan oksigen menuju tumor atau kanker.

3. Xeronine dan Proxeronine
Xeronine berfungsi memperbaiki fungsi sel yang rusak dengan cara mengaktifkan enzim dan mengatur struktur dan fungsi protein di dalam sel.xeronine juga berperan dalam meningkatkan energi bagi tubuh dan pereda rasa sakit.sedangkan proxeronine berfungsi membentuk xeronine.

4. Anthraquinone
sebagai anti imflamasi dan anti bakteri yang efektif melawan beberapa bakteri penyebab infeksi jantung dan bakteri penyebab disentri.

5. Vitamin C
fungsi sebagai anti oksidan yang menetralisir radikal bebas,meningkatkn daya tahan tubuh dan mempercepat penyembuhan.

6. Moridon
mempunyai efek sbg pencahar sehingga baik untuk mengatasi sembelit.

7. Terpenes
merupakan senyawa hydrocarbon isometric yang berfungsi membantu tubuh dalam proses sintesa organik dan pemulihan sel-sel tubuh.

8. Soranjidiol
mempunyai efek sbg peluruh kemih dan obat cacing.

9. Asam Amino

10. Serotonin

1. Hipertensi
2. Kencing Manis
3. Masuk Angin dan Influenza
4. Asam Urat
5. Radang Sendi
6. Radang Usus
7. Asma
8. Kolesterol Tinggi
9. Perut Kembung pada bayi

1. Menghilangkan Ketombe
2. Obesitas
3. Kesegaran tubuh 

sekarang udah tau kan apa manfaatnya ? jangan lupa baca bismillahirrahmanirrahim dulu yaw :)
semoga bermanfaat :)

They used to be my.special :'(

Pretend .
 God , should I pretend to be a strong girl ? . should I pretend like everything perfect ?
when should I be free ? when will that time comes ?

·         Best girl
   first time I entered to , everythings are okay . nothings went wrong . and I met a girl , that I’ve considered her as friend . she is very kind , beauty and of course a smart student . I knew her exactly , what was her attitude when she were with me . I really love her as my sister , I feel  , I won’t be able to hate her . whatever happens .
    until we joined the selection of a highest class quality , and apparently both of us were entered to there .but , unfortunately we were violate our promise , that we would sit together as chairmate like before . that’s make me sad . step by step she go away from me . whether it happen with me . :(

·         Best friend ?
    and I found a girl that really match with me . hmm , I thought she could replace her even better !.  ya she is a best girl . but , I dunnot know step by step the more close she with me the more I hate her ,oh God ! I wanna crying .
     until I got information that she hates me too . and all of the things are GETTING BROKEN .  I’m trying to stop it . I remind my.self well , that she is friend . and God still permit. Me to stop it .
#      we continued to the next class. approximately around it , she still hates me too ! she talked everythings at behind about me , it looks like all goes wrong ,it makes me broken yeah !  maybe she couldn’t feel what my feeling is right now . it’s a big pain ! especially when she took my best girl or match with ex.
       Yeah , they are match ! really :’( , started from it , I feel I’m losing a part of . she took all friends , their attention . even all the person that loves me also trying to hate me . it’s hurt ! really !
      In that time , I felt I’m in the corner . none believe in me , and I decide that I should keep this , until all of this will become alright . eventhough sometimes I’m too over , but it’s the sign of my.pain that I’ve been hiding since long-long ago .
      Ya , many of my.friends feel pity at her , but they never see my.sadness , how suffer I am ? I should  take a care of the one who loves me . take back the dependence from the one who hates me . and  all in 1 class , I should .
but , maybe I couldn’t :(
     Honestly , both of them are really precious for me . but it has been done . what should I do ?
 nothings to be regret actually .

    and I still trying to hide my.pain until now , I’ve been hurt ! :’( , cause
 you may not feel I’m hurt .
you may not hear my.cries.
but , at least , you’ve given me a precious thing ! that’s PAIN ! 