Jumat, 24 Juni 2011

dear math :'(

math , i'm trying to NEVER hate you .
cause you are my best subject ever ! , for me you are the basic of all the subject !
but , why are you trying to change it all ? why are u changing my.life ? you've made me cry .. :'( honestly i love You just same as my parents and my God , i couldn't hate you :'( .

but i couldn't pretend anymore , eveything around me has changed ! and i look at my heart they looks so strange ! i'm so scare :( no happiness , no laugh :'( why ? is there something goes wrong ?

 and honestly i couldn't be strong like her , she still loving her subject as well , while me ? i'm still trying to love you more than yesterday , but i've a big war among my self and my heart .

 also , it's really hurt me when i hear that the attention of him for her is more than he gave me . math . you've changed all :'( . everythings are different for me . it's really hurt for me . really !
 even , if i could cry . i'll cry in front of you , him and her ! but . i even didn't have any strength to do that :'(

  and i'm trying :( to never hate her , and of course YOU ! :'(

2 komentar:

  1. jagn terlalu lama nangis mba,,,
    semua akan membaik,,,berjalan dgn waktu,,

    salam kenal :)

    berkunjung ke blog aq yah,,
