Senin, 12 September 2011

Big Girl :* , dunnot cry =')

  Starting to move on it's not easy for me , Life is hard .. yeaa , i do on it :(

   it seems , step by step the life would not be easy for me , I'm tryin' to grow up .. grow , move on .. and try to forget all the problems inside of me . BUT I CAN'T ! :(
  I even dunnot understand what going inside of me is .. it feels like i'm suffering :( .

  If there's a day that given to me by God , so that i could cry .. i could scream ,  i could share all my problems to the world , i will take it . but , it just an illution .. couldn't be reached , so IMPOSSIBLE :(

  Now , i've moved on to the next step , yeaa , i'm going to be a big girl , just hope when i'll become a big girl, i would not cry , i would not do a stupid things like i did before . InshaAllah :')


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