Sabtu, 17 Maret 2012


 Once we met. Nothing happened, everything seemed so well, nothings went wrong.

 Until .. It was exactly on october. Everything has changed .. Step by step. They're getting closer, closer, even more closer. Everybody considered that they're in relation. Just the opposite, we're not. We just don't like the way how they express their 'Love'

  Then it happened whenever we met them. we could say it is what we call HATE. umm, Hate? No! In our deepest heart says we don't. We don't hate them. We even love them. We care them. We just hope that they could back. I knew it, they realized that we love them. But they always consider that their way was the best way to express theirs. Nothing could rebut it even no one. what could we do? We even had reminded them. But what's the result then? NOTHING.

  It never crossed my mind. that the solution must be their decision, That is ... separation. Well, If it's their decision. Please. I let you to go. But, In our deepest heart we love you too much, we even care you:'(

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