Selasa, 18 Oktober 2011


 It's sad , when you remember how easy somebody forget you , compare with how easy they remember you when they need you .

yeah .. it sounds so sad actually . but what can you do ? you just could scream in your heart and said : IT'S UNFAIR . hahaha! i'm laughing a lot of this . but! Receive it , cause everything happens for a reason .

day by day , i could conclude some simply things around me , that is .. you're needed cause there's something needed in you . but how about not ? no no no .. cause i believe everyone has their own . you've talent. but .. it's not talking about the way how you develop to be an interested person , but it's talking about why everyone too selfish in this world ? i do not know exactly about that . just say , without an egoism you can't do anything . yaa .. let me re-conclude it in the next post . Wassalam xD

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