Selasa, 09 Agustus 2011

Just once , I wanna be SELFISH !

 why couldn't i be a selfish person ?
  i'm a human and i've a rights ! i've a freedom to do what i wanna do . eventhough i wanna share it , even cried in front of you , that i'm pretend that i'm okay . you'll not understand , you'll not feel what's going on inside of me .
  the one who said that i'm CHANGED . the one who said that i'm SELFISH . are not the one who understands me , they're selfish ! and they're jealous with me .

   i always try to understand you , i try to keep my feeling . i took a care of your feeling . but , you even do the same (?) you even dunnot do the same things like i do .
   i always guessed that you're jealous with me , i saw from your activities , it seems like you copass! NOT CREATIVE issh --' CHEATER :p
  so, can you please understand me ? everyone has a different perception , everyone has a different charateristic . i even won't disturb your life , i could understand you . so can you please do the same ?

   understand me , that's what i need .

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